Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"Just Jake" Visits Virtually

Today, fifth grade students at Jefferson got to speak virtually with Jake Marcionette. Jake is the author of the book Just Jake. The most amazing thing, is that he had this book published at the age of 13.

Just Jake is a book loosely based on Jake's actual life. The book "introduces readers to sixth-grader Jake, whose life is turned upside down when his family moves from Florida to Maryland, where Jake must adapt to a new school. Jake has always ranked the kids at school in his hand-made, humorous “Kid Cards,” and when he arrives at his new school, Jake starts building a new collection, befriending as many people as he can while staying under the radar from the school bully.  But what happens when the school bully decides Jake's next in line for annihilation and his Kid Cards get into the wrong hands?!! JUST JAKE is a genuine—and as Jake himself would say, AWESOME!—world of school, family, friends, and teachers; it’s the product of a writer talented well beyond his years."  Jake's book also made the New York Times Best Seller List! 

In this virtual experience, Jake spoke to the kids about the themes of his book like dealing with bullies and remembering to be yourself, everyone is unique and that's okay.  Most of the kids could relate to Jake's life of moving around and dealing with bullies.  Jake also spoke about his journey to becoming a published author, and how he began with not being a fan of reading and writing.  He decided to write a book that an elementary or middle school boy would enjoy reading.

The best advice Jake gave the kids was to find what you love, whatever your passion is, and work at it.  Never think you're too young to do it.  Jake was so animated and interactive with the kids making the overall experience priceless for our students.  What a great lesson!

CBS News Story on Jake

Jake's Website -
Jake's Twitter - @jakemarcionette
Jake's Facebook -

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