Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Virtual Talk with an Australian Archaeologist

Today was a great day for virtual lessons.  Students in 4th grade at Jefferson got to talk with archaeologist, teacher and author Alethea Kinsela who lives in Australia.  She has written the book Ancient Australia Unearthed, the first high school history text devoted entirely to Australia's ancient history for the new Australian Curriculum: History. 

In this session, we talked about archaeology, what an archaeologist does, and some interesting facts about Ancient Australia.

Thea shared with the students what her job consists of, the tools that are most important for her job, and what artifacts she usually uncovers.  Her most favorite find was the tooth of an ancient Cave Bear which she showed us.  She also shared the most common artifacts she finds like pottery or ceramics, coins, or stone tools or weapons.

Thea also shared a sabertooth skull so the kids could see its shape and teeth.

Lastly, Thea shared a skull that was found in Indonesia.  The skull is that of a Homo floresiensis (nicknamed the 'hobbit') which is believed to be an extinct species that could've lived between 94,000 to 13,000 years ago.  The individual was believed to be a 30 year old woman that stood only 3.5 feet tall.

So much engagement and learning happened with this lesson today!

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